
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Jatilan is a traditional dance that the dancers use braid horse and equipped with magical elements. This dance is performed to the accompaniment of some kind of gamelan musical instruments such as drums, and gongs saron.

Regarding the origins or beginnings of arts Jatilan, there is no historical record that can be explained in detail, only the verbal stories that evolved from one another kegenerasi generation. In this case, there are several versions about the origin or the beginning of this Jatilan art, are as follows. Perhaps, this Jatilan who use property in the form of a horse made from bamboo imitation is a form of appreciation and support of the commoners against the cavalry of Prince Diponegoro in the face of Dutch colonizers. In addition, there are other versions that mention, that depict the story of the struggle Jatilan Raden Patah, aided by Sunan Kalijaga, against the Dutch colonialists. The other version says that this dance tells about the war games led by Mataram forces lane I, king of Mataram to mengadapi Dutch troops.

List of figures wayang

Dewa-Dewi wayang


Deities in the world of wayang is a god-goddess who appears in the mythology of Hinduism in India, and adapted in Javanese culture.

Wayang kulit

Wayang kulit is the traditional art of Indonesia, the which mainly developed in Java. Puppet comes from the word Ma Hyang means toward the maha esa,. Shadow Puppets Played by a puppeteer Who is Also the narrator's dialogue puppet figures, accompanied by gamelan music Played by a group of nayaga and songs sung by the singer. Dalang behind the wayang kulit play screen, the screen is made ​​of white cloth, while the electric lights flashed behind uterus or oil lamp (blencong), so That the spectators WHO were the resource persons on the other side of the screen can see the shadow puppet That falls into the screen. In order to understand the story of wayang (play), the audience must have knowledge of the characters That Shadow Puppets on the screen.
In general, the puppet takes the story from the Mahabharata and Ramayana manuscript, but not be limited only by the grip (standard), the ki mastermind Could Also play a play carangan (composition). Some stories were the resource persons taken from the Panji stories.
Leather puppet show has been Recognized by UNESCO on November 7, 2003, as an amazing work culture in the field of narrative story and legacy of beautiful and Valuable (Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity). Shadow Puppets are more popular in central and eastern Java, while the puppet show is more Often Played in West Java.


Ketoprak (Javanese: kethoprak) is a kind of performing arts that come from Java. In a pentasan ketoprak, plays interspersed with songs of Java, which is accompanied by gamelan presented.
The theme of the story in a show ketoprak manifold. Usually drawn from legend or history of Java. Many of the stories taken from abroad. But the theme of the story is never taken from the repertoire of the epic story (epic): Ramayana and Mahabharata. For later performances but not ketoprak longer be the puppet show.

These last few years, emerged a new genre; Ketoprak Humor aired on RCTI television station. In pentasan this type, many incorporated elements of humor

images: staging ketoprak by young people in the village of limestone ngaran balecatur Sleman Yogyakarta Indonesia