Born Wisanggeni

Thursday, May 5, 2011

dresnala goddess beautiful goddess who was awarded in its sixth ahrjuna other goddesses because arjuna giant succeeded in killing the king who asked Supraba goddess as his wife. apparently the god of Goddess Durga srani children also want dresnala this beautiful goddess. but what is immoral? the goddess along with 7 goddess laninya already contains the seeds seed arjuna. and I think arjuna affection also to the goddess, arjuna often visited this beautiful goddess in heaven.

the god srani complained to the mother Goddess Durga, the mother then said, menghadaplah to betara teacher I will try to help you, then departed god srani accompanied by the mother Goddess Durga to paseban bhetara great place to meet teachers and the gods.


In paseban ahdir great god of gods and especially Bhatara teacher as king of the gods, then Bhatara Narada as his patih the gods, and bhetara penyarikan, bhetara senses, bhetara Kamajaya and various kinds of gods present at the meeting that great. nah then menghadaplah srani god, expressed its intention to "marry" dresnala goddess, accompanied by Goddess Durga who also lobbied to Bhatara teachers.

As usual teacher-eaten waffle bhetara Goddess Durga and the gods srani, then the teacher betara a decree to expel arjuna and heaven (incidentally arjuna is on a visit kayanan dresnala goddess), disproving all the content of an angel who came from Harjuna seed, and marry dresnala with god srani.

Bhatara Narada and Kamajaya trying to prevent, but instead given a criminal with a detachable rank and kedudukanya as a god, Bhatara Narada angry and down to earth with Kamajaya. while the troops under the command of god and god betara penyarikan senses immediately sent to run the command, abort all the content of an angel, cast out of heaven and bring Harjuna force

Terkisahkan troops arrived at the residence of god goddess dresnala, Harjuna violently expelled and returned to ngarcapada sadly. dresnala goddess was forced to come to the residence of the god srani, sadly sangking dresnala goddess screamed loud, then gives birth to baby from her stomach along with the cry.

Meanwhile, in a report semar ngarcapada Harjuna events that occur, especially outfit troops west of the residence of the goddess Durga gandamayit centers sempet arjuna inhibited step, profit could be destroyed. semar up blood and went to Khayangan to see what happens.
baby is still infant son dresnala it should be viewed with great affection, but not with troops god. they just beat the red baby. opening die strangely, it was a red baby can crawl. bahatara Bhatara penyarikan senses and confused, then disiapkanlah heritage. dihantamkanya to a baby crawl earlier. miracle happens again, the baby had turned into small children who can walk. lost his senses baby candradimuka incorporated into the crater.

Semar see full gregetan, he can not wait pengen dah manampar god god without pity, then semar down and stood beside the crater candradimuka. young people suddenly out of the crater with a red body heat. He then went semar and asked who he was and who the father or mother.

Semar Wisanggeni naming him. so given the name of this young man Wisanggeni badanya be healthy, fresh and full of strength. He thanked the semar. olehs emar then told to ask the god who the father forces her mother. what if not answered? said the Wisanggeni, gebuki aja semar said.

Wisanggeni troops confronting the god, and as pointed out, the troops god i do not know who the father of this child's mother, then Wisanggeni rampage and army dihajarlah god until topsy turvy, and ALRI Bhatara facing teachers. Wisanggeni followed before a teacher Bhatara accompanied by semar from afar.

Batara teacher angry, semar sent Wisanggeni do the same in Bhatara teacher, asked who the father or mother if not answered gebuki. and competed against Wisanggeni Bhatara teachers, and lost. cis in the right hand left hand was unable to penetrate the skin Wisanggeni. Bhatara teacher fled to the world ....

Wisanggeni Bhatara teachers to follow the flight of the world. Bhatara teacher in the world to see that again arjuna Werkudoro grieve together. he was accompanied by 2 people hermit who guided arjuna. Bhatara teacher came and asked for assistance. that there is a demon child who Khayangan random shuffle. walo arjuna sad akrena badly treated by the gods, he's ready to go. but Werkudoro prevent and advanced first.

Wisanggeni saw a big ask knight semar, who is it? Answered ole semar, knight yodipati Werkudoro. when the going got beat by Wisanggeni, semar ban and ordered Wisanggeni hit the nail pancanaka Werkudoro, akrena it kelemahanya. and really, after challenge there was a fight between Wisanggeni challenging and Werkudoro. Werkudoro retreat when Wisanggeni hit the nail. Werkudoro pain while holding arjuna sent forward.

Seeing no good knight forward Wisanggeni asked who he was? Then answered by semar that your father, do not melawanya. and Wisanggeni even fight without power, he almost dikeris by arjuna, but blocked semar. semar say better kill me, because he was your son, and berangkulanlah two boy's father, weeping.

Bima berserk berserk after tau Bhatara false teachers, he said no wonder I lose, I mbela la culprit. 2 hermit turned into Kamajaya and Narada after strong not to deal with semar.bhatara teacher apologized to semar, Bhatara Narada and also arjuna Wisanggeni. and ebrjanji not be repeated.

Wisanggeni berated residence srani god, god srani beaten by wisnaggeni, goddess dresnala invited to go home, while his mother Durga in the face semar bhetari, then lunglailah the Goddess, he's not against semar.pasukan ebrani western clothes who had been brought back setelahs emar screwed meaafkan the Goddess Durga. ahirnya berkumpulah, dresnala, arjuna, Wisanggeni


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