Ravana, Human Blood Vile And Greed

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Syahdan: Baby substantial red clot, "covering" the wilderness, born of a beautiful woman, yet intelligent nobleman named Goddess Sukesi, with her husband, a minister named begawan Wisrawa Wicaksana.

The birth of this newborn baby a stir throughout the state population, because unless the baby is frightening is that there is disgusting. Blood Gumpalah magic grows more and more queries and eventually turned into a monster that has "Dasa face", face of ten. Of each issue mlutnya flame licked up, down, right and left, with the participation of gumuruh and jarring sound that strikes like a lightning-nyambar. It was very frightening.

It is true that, after he successfully became king in Alengka replace grandfather, it was called Rahwanaraja, Dasamuka and Godayitma title. It is the king of bestial, cruel sadist and the rapacious greed. Neighboring countries, especially the small conquered, killed and his property confiscated punggawanya.

Greed and cruelty more rampant. Clergy houses seized and burned, high mountains spread out the wet marshes dikerngkan, and then built maksiah places. Budget-particularly effusive.

In short, most angkuhlah it. If you are holding the ceremony, all the animals, emblim chest, scarf, necklace, belt and put all the command staff, and even above the stars crowded pundaknya gold 24 carats of 1.5 kilograms wear too, so tilt pundaknya.

It has a charm Pancasona. It will not die even though his head split by "gembungnya", as long as still affected by the soil. Because kesaktiannya Dewapun fear, especially the kings sebangsanya. Once he made Geger in Kahyangan and succeeded in getting the award bdadari, dance goddess named as his wife. But Ravana could not get enough, it took the wife of Rama Wijaya, Sinta, his name. Sinta diroda successfully captured and forced more than 12 years.

Because kerakusannya, then it should die by the arrow The other Gunawijaya Rama Wijaya's savage wrath.

Before the release time panahnya Sri Rama said:

"O Ravana, raise your heads, sambatlah to Mother pertiwimu, take a deep breath last your, as now reached ajalmu."

Sri Rama unfinished word, lepaslah Gunawijaya arrow from its bow and trim grabbed the head of Ravana once finished tenth. Ravana did not tumble sadarkan themselves. Anoman alert, then lifted into the air and mountain Rongrongan carcasses piled on Ravana who is dying, so as not to be alive again.


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