Emperor Ravana lived about 5000 years ago in Sri Lanka. As a buddhist ravana was vegetarian and worshiped Kashyapa Buddha. His kingdom was Lankapura and queen was Mandodari King’s children were known as Upendraminika (son) and Sohili (daughter). According to Ramayana, the emperor Ravana was assassinated by Rama. But referring ola manuscripts, rock inscriptions and folklore of Sri Lanka, Ravana was not died at war. He was not to killed by any other common person as Dasis Ravana represented a soul of a bodhisattva. The emperor had many names as he ruled many countries. Ravanna, rabanan, ravanan, dasis, ravan, ravula are some of them.
Ravana had many talents in many subjects. As a well experienced, Ayurvedic physician, the king wrote several books on medicine. As an artist he composed Ravana raagas such as Sinhala and .to know more about emperor of emperor Dasis Ravana you can visit ravanabrothers.com ..
Demons are one group under siwhela. Siwhela means sinhala.. It is called sinhalese according to the English..History of Sri Lanka was going beyond more than 30,000 years ago.. Sri Lanka is homeland of Siw hela..
Siw hela Four hela ..Siw hela had being eveluated as sinhala. Yaksha,Naga,Raksha and Asura are belonging in Siwhela(Sinhala.) .. It can be proved through ancient puskola books as well as inscriptions..So Ravana is not tamil king. Ravana is tamil was 1000% fake Story..We can prove Ravana is Sinhalese and devotee buddhist king under the Loard Kashyapa Buddha.
Deamon is mean Yaksha according to the sinhala language So don’t disort our history..
Please read Ravanavaliya..If Ravana is tamil, How can tell you that Ravana is deamon king.. Deamons are one of major group under siwhela Siwhela is mean sinhala
Don’t disort real Ravana’s greatest history.
Scholar Arisen Ahubudhu is the current representative of the ultra nationalistic Hela movement founded by the renowned Sinhala litterateur, the Late Munidasa Kumaratunga. The Hela movement has been urging the Sinhalas to go back to their roots shunning Indian, Hinduistic and other alien influences.
In his book Sakvithi Ravana (first published in 1988) Ahubudhu says that Ravana reigned over Sri Lanka from 2554 to 2517 BC. He quotes Ravanavaliya to say that Ravana belonged to the “Sun race” as Ra signifies the sun and vana signifies generation.
Ravana’s ten heads represent the ten crowns he wore as a result of his being the sovereign of ten countries. Ravana’s ancestors ruled over what is now the Polonnaruwa district in North Central Sri Lanka, the name Polonnaruwa being a derivative of the word Pulasthi, the name of the dynasty to which Ravana belonged. Ravana, however, ruled over the entire island and many places beyond.
Ahubudhu trashes the Ramayana story that Rama invaded Sri Lanka because Ravana had kidnapped Sita. According to the author, Ravana’s step brother Vibhishana, had invited Rama to invade Sri Lanka because he was wanting to oust Ravana from the kingship of the island.
“When considering the fact that Sita’s chastity was proved, this can be taken as a story concocted by Yuwaraja Vibhishana in order to discredit Ravana in the eyes of his people and take advantage thereof,” he says.
So That is why we could prove 1000% great emperor Ravana was siwhela(Sinhalese) buddhist king under the loard kashyapa buddha…
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