
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mahabharata is a puppet story, Sanghyang Antaboga or Sang Hyang Nagasesa or Sang Hyang Hyang Anantaboga or Basuki was the god ruling the earth. God in heaven beristana Saptapratala, or into seven basic layers of the earth. From his wife named Goddard Supreti, he has two children, and the Dragon Goddess Nagagini Tatmala. In the puppet mentioned, although located in the bottom of the earth, the situation in Saptapratala not much different from the other heaven.
Son of Sang Hyang Antaboga is Anantanaga. His mother named Goddess Wasu, daughter Anantaswara. Although in normal circumstances similar to Sang Hyang Antaboga human intentions, but in a state triwikrama, his body turned into a big dragon. In addition, once every 1000 years Sang Hyang Antaboga skin changes (mrungsungi).

In the puppet, puppeteer told that Sang Hyang Aji Antaboga have Kawastrawam, which allowed him to blossom into anything in accordance with desired. Among others, he had transformed into a white grate (a kind of forest weasel or stoat) who saved the Pandavas and Kunti from the raging fires in Bale Sigala-gala event.

His daughter, Dewi Nagagini married to Bhima, the second person in the family Pandavas. His grandson who was born of the Goddess Nagagini named Antareja or Anantaraja.
Sang Hyang Antaboga have the ability to turn the dead whose death has not been outlined, because it has holy water Tirta Amrita. Water magic is then given to his grandson Antareja and never used to turn on Wara Goddess Subhadra who were murdered in the play Subhadra Burisrawa float.
Antaboga Sang Hyang Guru never asked for help capture Bambang Nagatatmala, his own son. At that time Nagatatmala caught being berkasih-pity with Dewi Mumpuni, wife Batara Yamadipati. But the gods fail to catch it because it lost the magic. Because Nagatatmala was guilty even though it was his son, Sang Hyang Antaboga forced to arrest him. But the snake god did not think Guru will impose capital punishment on their children by entering it into the crater Candradimuka. Fortunately Goddess Supreti his wife, then turn back Bambang Nagatatmala with Tirta Amrita. Guru also never take the remaining skin when Sang Hyang Antaboga mrungsungi and menciptanya a terrible vicious creatures. Guru named the vicious creature that Candrabirawa.
Sang Hyang Antaboga, when he was young called Nagasesa. Although he was the grandson of Sang Hyang Wenang, ujudnya still a dragon, since his father named Antawisesa also a dragon. Mother Goddess Sayati Nagasesa named, daughter of Sang Hyang Wenang. Once when the gods tried to get Tirta Amrita that allow them to turn the dead. To obtain Tirta Amrita gods must drill the ocean floor. They revoke Mount Mandira from where brought to the ocean, be reversed so that the peak is below, and then turning it to pierce the bottom of the ocean. But after a successful play, the gods could not pull back the mountain. And if the mountain can not be revoked, it is impossible Tirta Amrita can be taken. At the time the gods were puzzled why Nagasesa come help. With his body wrapped a long way to the mountain and membetotnya upward, Mount Mandira Nagasesa hacked, and then put in her place. Thus the gods to take Tirta Amrita they want. That is why, Nagasesa who would become known by the name of Sang Hyang Antaboga also have Tirta Amrita .*
*) There are other opinions that say that to get Tirta Amrita, the gods not to drill the ocean, but stir-aduknya. It is based on the meaning of the word ngebur in the Java language, which means stirring, disruptive, making the ocean water becomes 'chaotic'.
Services Nagasesa the second was when he handed Cupu Linggamanik to Bathara Teacher. The gods are very wanted cupu mustika it. At that time Nagasesa was imprisoned in Guwaringrong with my mouth open. Melesatlah Suddenly a beam of light entering the mouth. Nagasesa immediately clamped his mouth, and then that appears Bathara Teacher. Dewa was asked where he had gone shimmering light that enters Guwaringrong. Nagasesa answer, it mustika light in him and will be submitted to Bathara Master, when leaders of the god was willing to maintain it well. Teacher Bathara menyanggupinya, so he got the original Linggamanik Cupu tangible light.
Cupu Linggamanik very important for the gods, because it has the properties to bring peace in heaven. That's why all the gods in heaven feel indebted to Nagasesa kindness.
Because of his services and that the gods reward Nagasesa equal footing with the gods and are entitled to a degree Bathara or Sang Hyang. Since then he holds Sang Hyang Antaboga. The gods also give him the right as the natural ruler of the underground. Not only that, by the gods Nagasesa also given Aji Kawastram * which makes it able to change the shape itself into a human or any creature wished.
*) Some people call Aji Kemayan. spertinya designation was not quite fit, because Kemayan derived from the word 'cyberspace' is a charm to make the owners of that knowledge to become invisible to the naked eye. The word 'virtual' means invisible. So who is Aji Kawastram true.
To build family ties, the gods also give away an angel named Goddard Supreti as his wife. Please note, the grandson of Sang Hyang Antaboga, namely Antareja found only in Indonesia's puppet. In the Book of Mahabharata, Antareja never existed, because it's original character created by the ancestors of Indonesia.
Sang Hyang Antaboga ever do make mistakes when in a play carangan incitement persuaded King Boma Narakasura grandson, to ask the Rev. Senapati on Bathara Teachers. Together with the law, a husband King Krishna Dewi Pertiwi, Antaboga go to heaven. Apparently Bathara Teachers are not willing to give that revelation to the Boma, because in his opinion Gatotkaca more appropriate and more right. Differences of opinion almost the heats because of Sang Hyang Antaboga would insist, but eventually clash of ideas that can be mitigated by Bathara Narada. Rev. Senapati remain reserved for Gatotkaca.


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