Batari Durga (Gedeng Permoni)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Goddess Durga was originally named Goddard Pramoni. He is very beautiful so intoxicated by romance Guru, because the capital it looks beautiful, Guru will fall cintan him. One day he went to meditate wanted his wife mejnadi Guru. Wishes come true, but only in the outer yaang done, because at kakekatnya, soul goddess Pramoni can not be realized in reality. Everything telaha da certainty that supernatural nature. Beautiful carnal Guru became empress, while the soul must reincarnate to the physical Umayi Goddess who has turned into raseksi. So between the Goddess and the Goddess Pramoni Umayi sports exchange. Pramoni soul into the sport that intangible Umayi raseksi, s ebaliknya soul occupies the body Umayi Pramoni beautiful goddess.
Umayi Goddess is actually a princess from the land tycoon Merut kpada god dedicated teacher. After the page Top five people, one evening Guru and the Goddess Umayi gallivant bull riding Andini. In a sightseeing flight in space, Sanghyang Teachers want her love desires arise above bersengama punggu Andini ox, but Goddard Umayi refused to maintain her dignity as queen of all the angels in heaven. Rejection Goddess Umayi merely want to keep kewibaan Guru desire not to engage her love in any place. Because mekasa Guru, the Goddess Umayi menyabda that her husband's desire that exceeds his desire giant, instant Guru has fangs and the degree Sanghyang Randuwanda.

Due to the great passions Rahsa Sanghyang Randuwanda, Goddess Umayi away so kama (sperm) jumped down into the samodera, which eventually beruah into a giant fireball, the longer a ball of fire occurrence from kama misdirected it into a giant. Later bayir aksasa they pose a shock and the gods could not face it. By Sanghyang Teachers, giant magic Batara was given the name Kala.
In wandering over the bull's back Andini, Batara tertararik teacher with a woman named Goddard Lokati, because he felt abandoned by istriya. Guru Goddess approached Lokati, namaun berparas beautiful daughter that has been transformed into a grain of rice. By Sanghyang Teachers, rice grains are picked and delivered to the king of King Sri maha Purwacarita Ridge or King Makukuhan for planting.
Rice seeds have been planted by the king Makukuhan fruitful. Teachers return arising affair Sanghyang want to eat rice reincarnation of goddess Lokawati, so that the king tribuwana changing into a white sparrow and fly into the country Purwacarita. Seeing her husband's changing into failed finches, the goddess Dewi Umayi mngajak seketi (1000.000) less one uuntuk infiltrated into rice plants. The angel had been changing into grass kejawan whose fruits are similar to rice fruit.
At the time began to turn yellow rice, fruit and even then had begun to weed kejawan buahny old. Fruit rumpuh kejawan cover made of rice ready for harvest. Meanjadi angry sparrows pecking the fruit of rice every wish always dihangangi by grass kejawaan fruit, fruit finally pecked and bit of grass and even then kaut-strong, then they turn into Umayi Guru and female deity. At the same time that always came Batara Kala memeperhatikan Goddess Umayi. Guru became jealous, and Goddess Umayi into an outlet temper. "If you fall in love with Batara Kala, be raseksi alone." Sanghyang word Guru. Goddess Umayi instantly turned into a creepy raseksi.
One day Guru saw a beautiful woman who is nothing but the goddess Parvati, the daughter of tycoon Umaran Ranti created from fruit. Women are beautiful and also named Goddess Pramoni wife had been taken by the male deity, Master, but only his body only. Parvati soul transferred into the body of the Goddess Umayi raseksi event, otherwise the soul Umayi taken and placed into the body Pramoni.

Raseksi reincarnation of goddess Pramoni was then placed in the woods Setaganda deceased and dijodohkand ith Batara Kala. He got the assignment rule of gandarwa, demons and other evil spirits. At the same time hold a female deity Pramoni Goddess Durga. While his marriage to Batara Kala, kala lower female deity Pramoni Yawana, Kala Durgangsa, Jaramaya, Ranumaya and many other sons.

The nature of goddess Durga is very bad because he assumed the task of teasing people virtuous. In wayang, the form of goddess Durga or syllables are called syllables Rangkung. While the story Sudamala, goddess Durga successfully diruwat by Raden Sadewa, youngest Pandavas. He again became a beautiful angel and go home to Tinjomaya, where bersemayamnya the angel heaven.

(version of the library hall)


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