Ceremony at the Sultan Palace Sekaten

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ceremony Sekaten Sekaten or derived from the word Syahadatain, from time to time how the pronunciation changed from Syakatain into Sekaten. Sekaten is a function to mark the birthday of Prophet Muhammad who was born on 12 months Maulud (third month of the year Java) or Rabi Beginning (month of year hijriyah). Sekaten held on the 5th of every month Mulud (Java) or Rabi Beginning (hijriyah years) in the plaza north of Yogyakarta (and also in the square Surakarta simultaneously). Sekaten a preliminary ceremony of the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad. This ceremony was once used by the Sultan Hamengkubuwana I (founder of keratin Yogyakarta) to invite the public to follow and embrace Islam.
Sekaten traditional ceremony as traditional religious ceremonies of Islam, waging the struggle to develop the spirit of religion and have a value? Noble values ​​in shaping the morals and manners of the nation and has a clear flow of history, has become one of the official ceremony Palace Traditional Ngayogyakarta and held every year in commemorate the birth of Prophet Muhammad.
Traditional religious ceremony in Yogyakarta Sekaten traditional folk feast is followed by a fairly large and lively. to curb and to take responsibility, the Government of Yogyakarta City permission lane X organize and manage it as well take advantage as a medium of information and mutual communication between the Government and people of batik on the efforts and results of the implementation of national development.
In the period beginning the development of Islam in Java, one of Wali Songo, Sunan Kalijogo ie, use Javanese Gamelan music instrument, as a means to lure the public to come to enjoy performances karawitannya. For that purpose use 2 devices gamelan, which has a tunable barrel Swara namely Kyai Kyai Nogowilogo and Gunturmadu.
Before the ceremony Sekaten held, held two kinds of preparations, namely physical and spiritual preparation. Physical preparation of equipment and supplies Sekaten ceremony, the Gamelan Sekaten, gendhing Sekaten, some coin, some flowers kanthil, Sekaten uniform fashion, samir for musicians, and other supplies, as well as history texts Maulud Prophet Muhammad.
For spiritual preparation, done some time before Sekaten. The sultan's palace courtiers who will be involved in the solemnization of mental and spiritual preparation for developing such a sacred task. Moreover, the servants in charge of hitting gamelan Sekaten, they purify themselves by fasting and flush jamas.
On the first day, the ceremony begins at night with a convoy of servant Dalem (palace courtier), together with two sets of Javanese Gamelan: Kyai Kyai Nogowilogo and Gunturmadu. This convoy originated from the pavilion Ponconiti towards the Grand Mosque in the north plaza Kraton escorted by soldiers. Kyai Nogowilogo will occupy the north side of the Grand Mosque, while Kyai Pagongan Gunturmadu will be on the south side of the mosque. Both sets of gamelan will be played simultaneously to 11 months Mulud for 7 consecutive days. Except on Friday night until noon Friday prayers finished. On the last night, the two gamelan will be brought back into the Palace promptly at 24.00 pm.
Sekaten beginning on December 6 Maulud (Rabiulawal) during the afternoon by removing the gamelan Kyai Kanjeng Sekati from where persemayamannya, Kyai Kanjeng Nogowilogo placed in Ward Trajumas and Kanjeng Kyai Guntur Madu in Ward Srimanganti. Two courtiers forces soldiers who guarded heirloom gamelan, namely Mantrijero soldiers and soldiers Ketanggung. On page Kemandungan or Keben, many people selling wuduk kinang and rice.Remove the Isha prayer time, the servants who served in the ward, provide reports to the Sultan that the ceremony had begun. After an order from the Sultan through courtiers who are sent, then began the ceremony by sounding Sekaten gamelan Kyai Kanjeng Sekati. The first rung is Kanjeng Kyai Guntur Madu with gendhing concoction pathet Gangsal, dhawah gendhing Signs. Following that sounded Gamelan Kyai Kanjeng Nogowilogo with gendhing concoction pathet Gangsal, dhawah gendhing Signs. That sounded alternately between Kanjeng Kyai Guntur Madu and Kyai Kanjeng Nogowilogo. In the midst gendhing, the Sultan came over and made gendhing gently until the Sultan left the two wards. Earlier Sri Sultan (or vice Sri Sultan) sow-udhik udhik in front of the gate Danapertapa, Srimanganti wards, and wards Trajumas.
Promptly at 24.00 pm, gamelan Sekaten moved to the Great Mosque of Yogyakarta page escorted by two army soldiers Mantrijero courtiers and Ketanggung. Kanjeng Kyai Guntur Madu pagongan placed in the south of the Great Mosque gapuran page and Kanjeng Kyai pagongan Nogowilogo in the north. In the courtyard, the gamelan Sekaten rung continuously day and night for six consecutive days, except on Friday nights to finish the afternoon Friday prayers.
On 11 Maulud (Rabiulawal), starting at 20:00 pm, the Sultan came to the Grand Mosque to attend the ceremony Maulud Prophet Muhammad in the form of the reading of the manuscript history of Maulud Prophet which was read by Kyai Pengulu. The ceremony was completed at 24.00 pm, and after all is finished, the gamelan Sekaten brought back from the Great Mosque of page go to the Palace. This transfer is a sign that Sekaten ceremony has ended.

History SekatenIn 1939 or 1477 Caka M, Raden Patah as the Duke of Demak Regency Bintoro, with the support of the mayor to build the Great Mosque of Demak as a place of worship and where deliberation of the guardians.
One result of deliberations of the guardians in order to improve syari Islam, for 7 days before the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, Islam syiar activities held continuously. In order to attract visitors, rung 2 devices gamelan Sunan Giri's creation, by bringing certain gendhing gendhing-creation of the saints, especially the Sunan Kalijaga.
The visitors who claim to "ngrasuk" religion of Islam after attending the activities of the Islamic religion syiar led to utter two sentences creed (syahadatain). From the word that means two sentences syahadatain creed that became sekaten due to changes in pronunciation, as that term is marking the Islamic religion syiar activities implemented during the 7 days leading up to the continuous birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad began on 5 to 12 Maulud or Robi'ul beginning of each year.
Sekaten which later developed into a feast of traditional folk continue to be held each year, along with the growth of the Kingdom of Demak Regency Bintoro Islam, even Sekaten become an official tradition. Similarly, when shifting to the Islamic kingdom of Mataram and the Islamic kingdom of Mataram was divided into two, namely Kasunanan Sultanate and Surakarta Sultanate Ngayogyakarta, Sekaten as Islamic religious traditional ceremony is still held together with the accompanying feast of traditional folk.
From the development of the implementation of Sekaten year after year in the Sultanate Ngayogyakarta, consisting essentially of:
1. Sounded two sets of gamelan, Kyai Kanjeng Kanjeng Nogowilogo and Kyai Guntur Madu, for 7 days straight? Participate except Thursday night until Friday afternoon, at Kagungan Dalem Pagongan Great Mosque of Yogyakarta.
2. The birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad SAW, on 11 Maulud night, in the Veranda Kagungan Dalem Great Mosque, with the reading of history by the Prophet Muhammad Abdi Dalem Sinuwun, relatives, officials and people Ngayogyakarta.
3. Giving alms Ngarsa Dalem Sampeyan Dalem Ingkang Sinuwun Kanjeng Sultan, in the form hajad Dalem Garebeg Gunungan in ceremony as the culmination of events Sekaten birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad.


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