Antareja, sang Hanantareja

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Raden Hanantareja, which means having a high power, which in puppetry is called Antareja, has another name Wasianantareja, Anantarareja. He is the son of the Goddess nagagini Werkudara raden, daughter Batara Antaboga, in heaven Saptapretala. Antareja married with Dewi GAnggi, daughter of King Ganggapranawa king snake in the kingdom Tawingnarmada. From this marriage was born the Aryan Danurwenda who later became governor outside (patih njaba) Yawastina country during the reign of King Parikesit..
Antareja based in kasatriyan Randuwatang or also called jangkarbumi. Along with the birth Antareja, king of countries jangkarbumi kagyangan Suralaya King Nagabaginda attack. He asked the Goddess Supreti Antaboga Sanghyang wife to be queen, but king Tribuwana not pleased, but the gods could not resist kesaktian King Nagabaginda. Finally Batara Antaboga mmusnahkan King designated order nagabaginda earlier, which was a baby Antareja finally brought his grandfather headed into battle and met with the king Jangkarbumi.

Before pitted, baby Antareja Antaboga smeared saliva to become immune to weapons. Antareja baby did not die but get older. Finally King nagabaginda can be destroyed by Antareja, state Jangkarbumi then handed over to the son of Bima. Nagabaginda King who was killed was later into the body menjilma Antareja.

This event inspires Antareja when helping his brother. Arya Gatutkaca Tribuwana king who demanded a promise. When Gatutkaca to crush the king and governor Gilingwesi Kala Prabu Pracona Sekipu, Sanghyang Gatutkaca Teachers promised to appoint as king in heaven. Because the long-awaited Hyang Guru did not immediately fulfill its promise, promise bill Gatutkaca assisted his brother, Antareja.

At that time the king Puserbawana Antareja King Nagabaginda title. He attacked the Suralaya so Sanghyang teacher called Gatutkaca. Before dealing with Gatutkaca, King nagabaginda escape so Gatutkaca later became king in King Sumilih Suralaya title. King Nagabaginda who fled from heaven, and then invaded the country Astina. Kurawa frenzy so that asking for help to the Pandavas. Since the Pandavas and Sri Krishna are also unable to stem the forces Puserbuwana war, Sri Krishna and Arya Bima asking for help to King Sumilih. Finally, King and King Nagabaginda Sumilih war, both to be back to normal and Raden Arya Gatutkaca Antareja.

Antareja have supernatural powers venom in their saliva that can destroy opponents in an instant. Napakawaca scaly skin can withstand a sharp weapon attacks. He also has a magic ring Mustikabumi gift from his mother to sign Antareja is evidence that the son of Goddess Nagagini. In the play Subhadra float, the ring was disclosed to the Arya Werkudara his father, so the bima acknowledge his son. At that time Antareja surprised to see the boat body that no other woman is his wife Subhadra Wara Janaka. With the ring Mustikabumi, Subhadra Antareja may revive the dead was killed by Burisrawa by accident.

Finally, Gatutkaca which was tasked to oversee the bodies Wara Subhadra became suspicious and accused of killing his aunt's Antareja. Both were then at war, but was quickly dissuaded by Sri Krishna and was given advice that they are still brothers. Wara Subhadra himself admitted that the killing itself was Satriya Madyapura Burisrawa Raden, son of King Salya Mandaraka king.

In the story of Krishna Gugah, Sri Kresnah transform themselves into white beetle and leave his physical in the form of a sleeping giant. Spirit of Sri Krishna in the form of white kumbah investigate Jitabsara book written by Batara Panyarikan. Book tells Jitabsara complete Bharatayudha Senopati Kurawa paired with Senopati Pandavas. When King Balarama written Kurawa impartial and dealing with Antareja, Sri Krishna does not have the heart, then he poured black ink on paper that explains exactly Baladewa against Antareja partner. So they fail to be met in Bharatayudha.

Finally Antareja history told in the play Tawur or family sacrifices in order to achieve the glory of war. Kurawa not willing to sacrifice one of his family, but kill Ijrada, tarka and Sarka, while Antareja and Wisenggani willing to sacrifice himself for the casualties of pandawa victory. Antareja menjiliat willing to die with his own feet with the grace of paradise occupies nine levels (Swarga delay sanga) belonging to Sri Krishna.

Born Antareja

In countries Saptapratala, Hyang Anantaboga, receipts Abiyasa, the Pandavas, gather to wait for Goddess Nagagini who will give birth to sons, said receipt Abiyasa, â €?? Hyang Anantaboga nagagini let me take it to the state Amarta, if the baby has been born, will I leave again . â €? Hyang Anantaboga consented, and went Resi Abiyasa with Dewi Nagagini and the Pandavas returned to Amarta. Arriving in Amarta has also attended Kanekaputra Hyang and the angel, Hyang Narada said, â €? Trouble has occurred, none other is not, my decision Abiyasa receipt will lower the Gandamana alusan his, after all, I came across Amarta top Hyang names of teachers, to witness the birth of a baby Nagaginiâ €??. Shortly after Hyang Narada said, was born the baby from the womb goddess Nagagini.

Resi Abiyasa told by Hyang Kanekaputra, that Hyang Guru is pleased to give a name to the baby: Senaputra, Antarja, after all, given the revelation of supernatural powers on the HRU poison fangs of the baby. To get the enervation ototototnya, diseyogyakan war pitted the baby, the baby will later become Jagonya the gods. Once completed Hyang Narada said, go back to Suralaya diiring on an angel. State Amarta at the same time, surrounded by the enemy, the king of Paranggumiwang, named King Salksadewa, come will demand revenge the death of his father King Kaskaya, who was killed by King Pandudewanata, father of King Yudhisthira from Wanamarta country.

Anantaboga Hyang said, â €?? Let's face the enemy from Paranggumiwang Antarja, Werkudara Lead lagaâ son to the field €??. King Saksadewa dead by Anantareja, Paranggumiwang soldier, governor Kalasudarga, waistband Saksadewi Antareja can not also match, all of whom died by the son of Raden Arya Werkudara.

The whole palace rejoiced at the victory celebration, Hyang Ananboga bring his grandson back to Saptapratala Anatareja Raden.

Antareja takon Father

In the kingdom of Astina King Nagabagendo, facing King Duryudana Durna Begawan, Begawan Durna by students who said that the child named Nagabagendo willing to be ambassador to destroy the Pandavas. After all consensus, make your way along King Begawan Durna Amarta Nagabagendo toward land, but the journey to meet with R. Sentyaki and R. Udawa knights of Dwarawati.

After learning that the King Nagabagendo would be vandals and harmful Pandava family, both those knights and fought with King Nagabagendo second dam knight bullied Nagabagendo King, R. Udawa Amarta country fell on the ground and R. Sentyaki Amarta fall in the country. Once R. Sentyaki got himself in Amarta country, will immediately report the harm that will befall the Pandavas, has not finished reporting the incident experienced by the Pandavas, came King Amarta Nagabagendo to seize power, then there was war and the Pandavas nothing can beat King Nagabagendo kesaktian .

Finally, based on advice Prabu Kresna, that can beat the King Nagabagendo is the knight who skinned scales like a snake, then R. Angkawijaya assigned to look for knights in question. Meanwhile in the well Jalatunda, R. Kencana Pudak facing his grandfather, Sang Hyang Hanantaboga to be told who the real father and where is located.

By Sang Hyang Hanantaboga told that there are in the country ayahndanya Amarta lives in Kasatrian Jodipati. With the accompaniment of his grandfather, R. Pudak Kencana go towards kasatrian Jodipati and in the middle of the road he met with R. Angkawijaya who are looking for candidate to fight the King Nagabagendo. Arriving in the country Amarta, R. Pudak Kencana met with R. Werkudara, but R. Werkudara will recognize as a child when able to destroy King Nagabagendo. Finally R. Kencana Pudak fought against King Nagabagendo and perish, by his grandfather R. Pudak Kencana can be revived with water life, called Tirta Kamandanu and R. Pudak Kencana was given supernatural powers Ajian Onto Upas.

With the magic Upas Onto, R. Kencana Pudak Nagabagendo to destroy King and the army can be defeated by Pandavas Kurawa along with her sons.

With the death of King Nagabagendo Amarta country to be safe, serene and peaceful, and R. Kenchington Pudak become part of a large family of Pandavas and switch the name of R. Antareja.

Antareja version of Wikipedia

Antareja was the son of Bima Werkodara or from his second wife a daughter of the god Antaboga Nagagini. It was told he was a formidable warrior, magic mandraguna. He has 2 (two) other brother, mother, named: Raden Gatotkaca, son of Bima with Dewi Arimbi, and Arya Anantasena, son of Bima with Dewi Urangayu. Since childhood Anatareja lived with his mother and grandfather in Saptapratala (bottom of the earth).

He has a gift Upasanta Ajian Anantaboga Hyang. His tongue is so powerful, any creature who licked her feet would meet with death. Anatareja napakawaca skinned, so immune to the weapon. He also has a ring mustikabumi, giving her mother, who has supernatural power, distancing from death during still touching the earth / soil, and can be used to revive dead outside destiny. Another miracle Anantareja can live and walk in the earth.

Anantareja has the nature and disposition: honest, quiet, very devoted to the older and dear to the young, self-sacrificing and large kepercayaanya to the Creator. He was married to Goddess Ganggi, daughter of King Ganggapranawa, king snake / taksaka in Tawingnarmada, and berputra Arya Danurwenda.

As adults Anantareja become king of the country holding the title King Nagabaginda Jangkarbumi. He died before the war by order of King Krishna Bharatayuda by licking her feet as tawur (victim to victory) family Bharatayudha Pandavas in the war.


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