Gambang Kromong

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Kromong Gambang designation taken from the name of two percussion instrument, the xylophone and kromong. Xylophone keys which were 18 pieces, usually made of wood suangking, civil stones or other type of soft wood sounds when struck. Kromong usually made of bronze or iron, totaling 10 pieces (ten 'pencon'). Kromong Gambang orchestra is a harmonious blend between indigenous elements with Chinese elements. Physically Chinese elements appear on the strings of Tehyan, Kongahyan and Sukong, while other musical instruments are xylophone, kromong, drums, and gongs kecrek an indigenous element. Blend the two elements of culture also shows in his songs perbendarahaan. Besides the songs that show the nature of the natives as Jali-jali, Surilang, Persi, Balo-balo, Lenggang sauntered Kang, Onde-onde, Wren Ngunguk and so on, there are also songs that are clearly patterned China, both the name of the song, groove melody and lyrics such as Kong Jilok, Sipatmo, Phe Pantaw, Citnosa, Macuntay, Gutaypan and so forth.
Gambang orchestra originally favored by the Peranakan Chinese course, in time they enjoy doing as well by the indigenous groups, because berlangsugnya process of assimilation. If in the past popularity of the orchestra Gambang Kromong generally remain confined within the Chinese community and the people who directly or indirectly many absorbs cultural influences, the development of later, fans increasingly widespread, especially in the seventies. Kinds of factors that cause such as starting a lot of pop music artists who participated plunge as Benjamin S dabbling in it during his lifetime, Ida Royani, Lilis Suryani, Herlina Effendi and others.

Kromong xylophone is a musical Betawi the most evenly spread in the Betawi culture, both in Jakarta area alone as well as the surrounding area, more residents of Chinese descent in the local Betawi community, there are also more groups Gambang Kromong orchestra. In North Jakarta and West Jakarta, for example, more than the number of groups Kromong Gambang in South Jakarta and East Jakarta. Nowadays there is the term "Kromong Gambang original" and "Gambang Kromong combination."
As shown in his name "Gambang Kromong combination", is the orchestra Gambang Kromong that the tools added to or combined with the tools of modern Western music that is sometimes electronically, such as melodic guitar, bass, guitar, organ, saxopone, drums and so forth. Here took place a change from the barrel of a diatonic pentatonic without disturbing.
With the addition of the instrument xylophone sound color kromong still audible, and the inclusion of pop songs take place fairly, not forced. Especially for the younger generation seems more communicative combination kromong xylophone, although there is sometimes a tendency tersisihnya xylophone instruments sound authentic kromong by electronic musical instruments is increasingly dominant.
Crowds of native keromong xylophone in general owned and chaired by the indigenous groups are economically weak, such as the group "Faithful Heart" at Dam Jago Amsar leadership, the group "Son Cijantung" leader Marta (formerly led by Nyaat who is now dead), the group " Garuda White "leaders in Pekayon Modo Samad, Gandaria. Medium xylophone kromong combination is generally owned by a group that `` the economy is relatively strong, like the group "Naga Mas" Bhu-led Thian Hay (deceased), "Mustika Naga" leaders Suryahanda, "Shawl pomegranate" Liem Thian Po leaders and so forth.


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