Nobleness Kumbhakarna

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Kumbhakarna is a warrior nation that lived in the giant golden age of Sri Rama King of Ayodya kingdom. Kumbhakarna father was a sage named Begawan Wisrawa, while his mother is a Goddess Kekasi, daughter of a king named Prabu Sumali. Kumbhakarna is also sister city authorities Lanka, named King Ravana.Lanka and the Ayodhya dispute was believed just a misunderstanding. Some say that anger in the city of Ayodhya to Lanka is due to Ravana kidnapped Dewi Shinta, consort of Sri Rama, the king of Ayodhya, by Ravana. But Alengka suspect that Shinta was deliberately fed to Ravana, for Ayodya enough to have a reason to attack and control the city Lanka, a country rich enough.


Kumbhakarna is a patriot. One time he had contributed to the nation of Gods, so he was given the freedom to choose what gift you want from the Gods. Is Batara Brahma and goddess Saraswati who was sent to meet Kumbhakarna Hyang Guru asked him what he requested. It is believed that Kumbhakarna was originally going to ask 'Indrasan', a phrase in Sanskrit which means a privilege to lead a luxurious life in heaven country Kaendran, owned Batara Indra, as happened in Arjuna several hundred decade later.
But Kumbhakarna be embarrassed in front of Goddess Saraswati, tongue-tied and one saying 'Nendrasan', meaning to sleep long. Kumbhakarna then underwent a long sleep. When the city of Lanka and then attacked by the city of Ayodya aided by the monkey army, Ravana ordered his soldiers to immediately wake Kumbhakarna. It takes a group of elephants to trample Kumbhakarna body to open its eyes from a long sleep. And the need to provide a basket of his favorite foods to make them truly awakened.
Kumbhakarna was first performed when awakened is talking with his brother, in order to restore Shinta. But Ravana also had a strong pretext that it wanted to protect Shinta he considered had been manipulated. Especially when it's almost Ayodya troops toward the coast city of Lanka. So Kumbhakarna Lanka troops were led on the front lines, not in order to defend his brother, but rather to defend his country which is facing a colonizer. Kumbhakarna was against Sri Rama is not with hatred, which he did only in order to protect the spilled blood. All the knights of Ayodhya who are injured or die at the hands of Kumbhakarna, he was treated with respect and uphold the warrior attitude as a fellow patriot.
Arrow Sri Rama decided Kumbhakarna hands. But that did not stop him. Kumbhakarna still pounding with his feet. Up Arrow Sri Rama decided that the second leg. Kumbhakarna still did not stop, without hands and feet, he rolled the body fro Ayodya attacking soldiers. Sri Rama's Arrow last menigas Kumbhakarna neck.
Day of death also Kumbhakarna, Sri Rama raising truce, as respect for Kumbhakarna of courage and fighting spirit as a fighter, who was the first time that Sri Rama saw a patriot like Kumbhakarna.


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