Ceremony of Bekakak

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ceremony of Bekakak or called Saparan Bekakak is held at Gunung Gamping in the month of Sapar. The word Saparan derives from Sapar plus suffix-an. Sapar is identical with Arabian word syafar, the second month of hijriyah. Thus, Saparan ceremony is a ceremony held in month Sapar. Prince Mangkubumi initially gave order to hold the ceremony. 

Saparan gamping is also called Saparan bekakak. Bekakak means slaughtering cattle or human. Bekakak of this ceremony is an imitation of a bridal couple sitting with leg crossed. It is made of sticky rice flour.
Saparan ceremony is indetail constituted by several rites such as:
- Midodareni bekakak
- Kirab or the parade
- Slaugtering the bekakak
- Sugengan Agung.
The ceremony is intended to honour Nyai and Kiai Wonosuto's soul. Kiai Wonosuto was the first Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono's abdi Dalem Penangsong (giving shade by means of umbrella) wherever he might go. Kiai Wonosuto was unwilling to move from ambarketawang resort to the new court.There, he and his family lived and, therefore, he was taken as the ancestors of Gamping people. 

Saparan gamping must be held at 02.00 PM, every Friday, between 10th up to 20th Sapar. Bekakak is slaughtered at 04.00 PM.
The ceremony involves two rites, Saparan bekakak and Sugengan Ageng. Preparation for making bekakak and juruh (solution from plam sugar) takes 8 hours. Having made bekakak, people gejogan by hitting the pestle against the mortar in order to make music. The ryths generated are Kebogiro, Thong-thongsot, Dheng-thek, Wayangan, Kutut Manggung and so forth.
If the sticky rice has been completely ground. Bekakak, gendruwo, kembang mayang are made in certain place. Bekakak consists of two bridal couples in Yogya and Solo style.
The bridegroom in Solo style wears ahestar head cloth ornamented with furs. A red scarf, kalung sungsum, hang on his neck. He wears bangun tolak clothe, put on blue belt and slepe. Kriss ornamented with a series of jasmine is put on his back and he put on kelat bahu.
The bride with nice make up wears blue kemben. A red scarf and kalung sungsum hang on her neck. Her hair knot is ornamented with menthul flowers. Subang and kelat bahu is also worn.
The bridegroom who is in Yogyakarta style wears red head clothe or red kuluk. Blue scarf and kalung sungsum hang on his neck. He puts on blue belt with slepe and sumping (ear ornament). The bride wears green kemben. Blue scarf hang on ger neck.
Women prepares the raw stuff for ceremony and men make the bekakak. It is a rule and will not be allowed to break. 

The ritual offerings for this ceremony are divided into three groups. Two grups for jali-jali are put beside the bekakak. Rest of the groups is put on the jodhang as a series of supplement of ceremonial offerings. The offering put beside the bekakak are, among others, sego wuduk put into little pengaron, boiled rice (nasi liwet) put into little kendhil with dhadhap leaf, turi leaf, boiled kara leaf, eggs and flat sauce, tumpeng urubing damar, kalak kencono, pecel pitik, jangan menir, urip-uripan lele, rindang antep, roasted chicken, lembaran chicken, plain coffee, sweet coffee, Dutch gin, cigarette, rujak degan, rujak deplok, arang-arang kemanis, padi, tebu, pedupan (incense), opium, nangka sabrang, gecok mentah, ulam mripat, ulam jeroan (innards), gereh mentah.
The offerings are put on the sudhi and glass. Sekul wajar (ambeng rice) with side dishes, fried pumpkin sauce, bean stew, rempeyek, dried soy bean, bergedel, entho-entho, and so on, sekul galang lutut, tempe robyong put on bamboo container, tumpeng megana, sanggan (a bunch of raja banana) betel vine, jenang-jenangan, rasulan (sego gurih), ingkung ayam, kolak, apem, randha kemu, carlberg bread, roasted sticky rice, emping, klepon (golong enten-enten), tukon pasar, sekar konyoh, kemenyan, jlupak baru, chicken, coconut, are taken into jodhang and then distributed into five ancak-ancaks. Two of them along with jali-jali are distributed to those making kembang mayang, bekakak, and grinding the sticky rice into flour. Pigeons are availably provided.
Midodareni Bekakak. Although bekakak is just imitation of bridal couple, midodareni ceremony is also needed. Midodareni derives from widodari, meaning Goddess. It means that the Goddes go down to gives their blessing to the bridal couple.
This ceremony last in the night, begins at eight o'clock. Two jail-jalis containing bekakak and a jodhang containing ritual offering and a couple of gendruwo and wewe, are paraded to ambar ketawang public hall. The sequence of the parade or carival is as follows:
- rows bringing pennant
- rows of guardian coming from middle gamping
- bridal joli and jodhang
- reyog coming from gamping kidul
- other followers.
Arriving at the public hall, jali and other oufits are given to the head of Ambar Ketawang Village. In the night of midodareni, people are awake the whole night in pendhopo (hall). Sometimes, they show shadow puppets, uyon-uyon and reyog.
In Ki Juru Permono's house, kemusuk villagers hold tahlilah (extolling the God's name) and is followed with tirakatan. In ambar ketawang resort, tirakatan is also held.
Parade of Bridal Bekakak. Parade of Bridal Bekakak is carnival bringing the bridal bekakak to the slaughtering venue. A series of ritual offerings of Sugengan Ageng are also paraded. The offerings of Sugengan Ageng are brought from Patran to the resort. Formerly, the offerings are also brought the the public hall. 

In sequences, the Saparan carnival consists of:
- Reyog and jathilan
- Ritual offering of Sugengan Ageng
- Row of troops coming from middle gamping. They bring pennant, wear black trousers, long clothes, stripped shirt, destal. They seem to be Daeng Troop. They bring flute, drum and mung-mung.
- Female troops bringing shield, sword. They wear coloufoul custome, cindhe trousers and stripped clothes.
- Demang groups and their colleages. The demangs wear long clothes, black beskaps, and yellow scarves
- Jagabaya group. They wear long clothes, black beskaps, and red scarves
- Kaum or Rois group. They wears surjan shirts and white scarves.
- Those bringing spears wrapped with cindhe and ornamented with jasmine. They are wear black middle trousers, stipped shirts, wulung head clothes; cross cindhe in front of their chests. Three girls put on stripped purple clothes, green shirt; cross red scarves in front of their chests. Each of them brings imitation of porcupine, quill and pigeons.
- Those bringing spears wear red trousers, stripped shirt, orange heath clothes
- Gentlement in long clothes and red surjan. They bring colourful scarves.
- Children troops. They bring archers.
- Offering in joli brought by persons in black, red shirt and blue head clothes.
- Slawatan rows
- Rows bringing kembang mayang, cengkir, bendhe, spears, and luwuk. All of them are under the shade of umbrella.
- Row of horses
- Row of persons bringing colourful pennant, in long clothes, light blue surjan and head clothes
- Three girls bringing banyak, dhalang, sawung, galling, ardawalika
- Three young men bringing burning incense and flowers. They are followed by players of drum, flute and mung-mung.
- Troops of Gamping Lor, followed by female troops armed with archers and troops with long sword as their arms.
- Offerings Jali brought by person in red shirt, black trousers, blue head clothes.
- Patran Jathilan
- Gamping Kidul troops. Some of them put on mask of buron wana (purcofine, buffalo, and eagle). Some of them bring three pronged-spears, and spears.
- Reyog coming from Gunung Kidul
The parade comes out of the public hall in ambar ketawang to go to Gunung Ambarketawang, the first slaughtering venue (abbetoir), and then they lead to Gunung Kliling, the second slaughtering venue.
Nyembelih Pengantin Bekakak. If the carnival has been arrived at Gunung Gamping Ambarketawang, the first joli containing bridal bekakak is brought to the cave. Kaum gives a sign that the joli shall stop and he leads the people to pray.
Completed the prayers, the bridal bekakak is slaughtered and cut into pieces and distributed to those attending the ceremony. other offerings are also given out to the audience. Having slaughtered the bridal bekakak, the carnival leads to Gunung Kliling to have another slaughtering rite.
The jodhang containing the offerings is given out to those in charge of holding the last slaughtering ceremony.
Sugengan Ageng. Sugengan Ageng performed in Ambarketawang Resort is directly led by Ki Juru Permana in the same day as Bekakak Ceremony.
The resort is ornamented with janur and green and yellow clothes here and there. The offerings brought from Patran are jodhang, Jali Kembang mayang, gadhing Coconut, Amerta water, bokor for sibar-sibar, heirlooms, and highness umbrella set tidily.
This ceremony is performed after slaughtering bekaka in Gunung Kliling. First of all, a lump of incense is burnt. Ki Juru Permana opens the ceremony. Ki Juru Permana then prays in Arabic. Then, a pair of pigeons is set free. Audience give their applause. Offerings of Sugengan Ageng are distributed to the audience, especially one called tawonan, favorite food of Sultan Hamengku Buwono I.


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