
Monday, April 18, 2011

This art form said to have originated from the centers of the ancient Javanese kingdom, and in fact is part of a series of safety or thanksgiving ceremony for the government leaders who will assume the new position, for example in order jumenengan (graduation), departure to the battlefield commander, and others. Tayub is a social dance but in its manifestations may be romantic and can also be erotic.In practice the guests get a gift Sampur of dancers (ledhek).Guests then danced in pairs and even then with ledhek, in tune with the accompaniment of gamelan, in accordance with gising booked.

At first execution Tayuban no more than a contest or exhibition of flexibility and skill to dance in pairs without leaving the upload-ungguh or oriental manners.But in its spread in the community then there have been irregularities that tend to lead to the assumption that tayub an art form that leads to acts that are less moral.In the middle of the village, in Yogyakarta, this dance is now generally held in a series of clean ceremonial village, namely angsung dahar to Kyai Tunggul Wulung for the safety of the village.

So head on pasarean Kyai Tunggul Wulung. Kyai Tunggul Wulung is tayub figure in the village (the middle) it.Net ceremony is held each year the village (also once a year) and usually after harvest.In ancient times tayub dance in the village (mid) are held at night, but because of considerations of decency are now held at noon.Thus the function of art in addition to Tayub now is part of a series of traditional ceremonies as well as spectacle / entertainment.Supporting the arts Tayub was approximately 17 people with the principal players include two dancers (ledhek), two female vocalists (waranggana) and a male vocalist (wirosworo / Gerong).Tayub dancers wore costumes that is realistic hair in a bun Javanese style, fabric and cloth scarf as usual topless (kemben = Java).

In addition, the dancers are still wearing scarves (Sampur) to dance.Guests will be pengibing, who called it ketiban Sampur, dressed in a full Java is wearing blangkon, surjan clothes, fabrics, Stagen and his dictionary as a binder, along with the dagger / pendok.The pengibing really in this Tayub are adult males between the ages of 30-60 years.Each pengibing using techniques dashing or fine Javanese dance with other styles of improvisation.Richer motion under their control will make the scene more lively duet.The show was held in the daytime for 6 hours, starting from 10:00 until 16:00 hours.From 10.00 to 12.00 time was filled with klenengan as pre-show before the show actually begins Tayub.Tayub is the concept of an arena stage with a floor that sometimes form a circle, straight and often curved lines.

Typically for this Tayub used marquee Kalurahan or dukuh.The instrument used was a complete Javanese gamelan.


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