tari ketuk tilu

Monday, April 18, 2011

Tap Tilu is the forerunner of social dance dance Jaipongan and entertainment as well as the usual wedding was held at the event, entertainment event events cover, or be held exclusively in a spacious place.The appearance of this dance in the community have no link with the customary or certain sacred ceremonies but purely as an entertainment show and association.Thus, the tap dance is much preferred Tilu especially in rural communities who rarely get entertainment.

I S T I L A HThe term comes from the tap Tilu retinue one tool that is boning who was beaten tigakali as a signal the beginning of the show for another instrument such as Rebab, Kendang Big and Small, Goong sign begins the show with a song or just a mere instrument.Judging from the performance aspect Tap Dance Tilu divided into three parts.
The first part,Sipengiring sang gamelan rhythms, fiddle and drums to draw public attention Visitor.
The second partTakala the visitors had gathered crowded the field and then came the dancers introduce themselves to the visitor while walking on - swing so attractive to the attention of visitors
The third sectionWhen the show began to be guided by a sort of moderator in the meeting or interpreters torch. In this show the dancers invite guests to dance along and dance specifically paired with the dancers who are generally pretty.
Often when visitors want to dance in particular with sipenari the visitors who come to dance must pay some money Sawer.
In certain villages in West Java, tap dance performances Tilu often done until night and even all night long.
Tap Tilu has its own dance styles with names like, Depok, slide, Rubber Tires, Lengkah Opat, Oray-Orayan / Snake-hose, Flip Bandung, Torondol, Wind-Wind, Squirrel Luncat, Lengkah Tilu and Cantel.
The forces are in accordance with local characteristics, and current areas - areas that still have the art of dance is tap Tilu at Regency Bandung, Karawang, Brass and Garut but the number was less and less, because generally only interested in a particular generation of people who are very like art rather than tap Tilu Jaipongan.
Who's the younger generation prefers senitari Jaipongan which is the development and modernization since the creation of tap dance and rhythm Tilu more dynamic and can be combined with dance - modern dance.
Judging from the wasp, Tap Tilu is the name of the wasp which operate across the entire Tatar Sunda. The name of the device is borrowed from one of the tap that terdiridari waditra three penclon ie three or koromong.
Other Waditra is kelengkapantabuhan Tilu Tap, is a unit Rebab, one Goong, a fruit kempul, one big Kendang, two Kulanter / Kendang small, and one unit kecrek.
Tap Tools Tilu originally an accompaniment gising clump of Ibing Tap dance Tilu.
Br. Yoyo Joanna Tiludari Ujungberung Tap a character reveals that: "Tap Tilu, is an independent performing arts satubentuk" means, not bound or are not part of another branch of art.
Subsequent developments, KetukTilu devices in some areas in Tatar Sunda, become part of a pertunjukanteater. For example: Ronggeng Mountain in Ciamis, Banjet in Karawang and Subang area, Mask Betawi in some areas in Greater Jakarta area, as well as Ubrug diBanten.

In the past Tap Tilu has its own struktursajian which begins with opening gising Tatalu the dish, then Ronggeng enter the arena.In this section Ronggeng enter beriringansambil dance together, followed by a dance Jajangkungan denganGamelan instrumental accompaniment.Next followed by Wawayangan conducted by Ronggeng with the position of half-circle or horseshoe, they dance while singing the Song of Songs.After Wawayangan, the Ronggeng berbanjar to the side facing Panjak of the drummers or Nayaga.
If his performance on stage, then the position banjarnya back visitors.
Next Village Corp. is leader of the group to burn incense in Parupuyan stored adjacent to the Pangradinan or offerings, then read Matera, pleaded safety during the event and ask a lot rizki. Also read slowly Asihan for the Ronggengnya preferred by the visitors.With Asihan expected the visitors to give money generously Sawer, thereby increasing revenue for the group during the round the players and, Gamelan Song of floated in the song.After the song ends the Song, then Ronggeng create a crescent-shaped position, facing toward the visitors, continued to round this round Erang.Pada Ronggeng dance with visitors who enter the arena accompanied by the song moaned freely.Participants dance man from visitors, free to dance without having to pay money or money Pasakan bukingan. This round is presented specifically for visitors who like to dance, as warming as well as a bonus / gift, because they do not have to pay.Finish Round groaned, then continued padaBabak Pasakan, where participants dance man from visitors who danced with Ronggeng, should give money to the pegs or Money Panjak Ronggeng.
The songs are presented consisting of
Song of the song compulsory in performances Tap Tilu, groaned also anthem, Emprak or Emprak clumsy, which developed into Polos Polos Tomo and sometimes joined by Naek Geboy, Berenuk resigns, Kaji-examine, Drainage, Tunggul Kawung, Gondang, Sorong Rowing , Cikeruhan, Prangprang Pull, Renggong Buyut, Awi Ngarambat, banquet Solontongan, Paleredan, Geseh, Flower Beureum, Sonteng, Waves Banyu, Style partner, Mainang, Karawangan Barlen, Soloyong.
The lyrics in the form of poem, namely the first two sentences is a shell or sampiran / skin and the last two sentences are eusi or content. The poem is kebirahian and romance with bright colors, happy, humorous.
Apart from the lyrics that have been prepared before the game, also sometimes sang songs lyrics Ronggeng made immediately at the time of play.
Tap Tilu that his movement is a dance show performed by Ronggeng or Doger as a prima donna or by certain Panjak who have the versatility in dancing and movements are similar in Pencak Silat Silat Flowers.
Besides the dance performances, as well as dance KetukTilu Intercourse, because Ronggeng dancing with dancers priadari visitors with motion - motion that politely erotic free, not bound by the norms of dance or martial arts.


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